Das ruas a tela : a representação da violencia na midia eletronica / From the streets to the screen : the violence representation in the news broadcasting




In what way the internal struggleslinked to the television field sustain the forms which through the television theme is represented in its interior? From de principIe that seeing TV as a simple transmitter of "facts" found in the social world, ar still, as a way of "manipulation" of this facts, means to ignore the fight for a better condition in the processes of distribution of the chances of power by part of the agents in the vehicle interior, this research aims a comprehension effort on the bounds established between the way trough which violence is represented on television and the agents individual paths, of whom notoriety was conquered from the exploration of the theme, in the interior of the processes of changing that are enrolled, according with their respective positions. I propose that the analysis of this differences in the forms of representing violence throughout time by this agents linked to the television field can point out more complex routs in arder for us to think a consensual issue related to the studies on the representation of violence in this vehicle, as well as in other media: the distortion between data generally accepted by the social sciences for the "objective" . painting of the criminality problem in the country and the way violence ends being represented in the media, that usually privileges the more dramatic traits of isolated cases linked to. Police occurrences.


violencia na televisão telejornalism midia - aspectos sociais television violencia mass media telejornalismo violence in television comunicação de massa televisão - aspectos sociais violence media

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