Das intenções às ações: contribuições da pedagogia Freinet para a organização da prática pedagógica na educação infantil




Present dissertation, linked to the Pedagogical and Didactic Processes and Methods research line of the Master in Education Post-Graduation Program of FURB (Universidade Regional de Blumenau), Santa Catarina, presents a research carried out , having as a general goal to analyze the contributions of didactic and pedagogical processes elaborated by Célestin Freinet to organize pedagogical practices performed by teachers of Child Education, ranging from 3 to 6 years old, and meeting the specific goals of Santa Catarina State Curricular Proposal. It also comprised, as specific goals, the evaluation of the Pedagogy of Freinet and its concept of childhood in the Freinet Movement, the understanding of the basic axis upon which said pedagogy revolves (affection, cooperation, free expression, autonomy and experimental touching), PCSC (language, plays, interactions and space-time organization); as well as to point out how close Freinet Pedagogy and PCSC are. With a bibliographic and documental outlook, the research used all the Célestin Freinet literature of the seventies up to 2006 as a source, in its search for the pedagogic and didactic processes defined by mentioned author and the concept of the child in the Freinet Movement; videos and internet pages; the Federal Constitution of 1988; the National Child Education Policy (1994); the Guidelines and Basis Law for National Education (Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional), Law nr. 9394/96 (1996); the National Reference Curriculum for Child Education (1988); and the Curricular Proposal of Santa Catarina (1998; 2005). Referred to data, which were analyzed in a quantitative and comparative way, enabled highlighting of following similarities or proximities: Freinets free expression is close to PCSCs language, plays and interactions; cooperation meets interactions and space-time organization; experimental touching, as well as affectionand autonomy are close to all PCSCs axis. It is important to notice that we must take into consideration that every pedagogical proposal requires, on the part pf the teacher, a scientific and cultural background, so as to enable an in depth knowledge of the principles and axis of his/her practice, avoiding confusion or distortion of the theoretical consistence of his/her pedagogical proposal. Furthermore, PCSC is a theoretical document providing guidelines and the Pedagogy of Freinet is a pedagogical practice proposal, which makes the proximities seen as possible alternatives for the organization of the pedagogical work in Santa Catarina State institutions, that are oriented by PCSC, so that Child Education can fulfill its social role of caring and educating


pedagogic and didactic processes pedagogy of freinet child education curricular proposal of santa catarina educacao proposta curricular de santa catarina processos pedagógico-didáticos educação infantil pedagogia freinet

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