Das imagens identitarias da pedagogia ao oficio de pedagogo : traçados nomades / From the identitary images in pedagogy to the work of the work of the tachers : nomadic traces




The object of this study is to relocate the problematic of teacher/pedagogue and Pedagogy identity in the contemporary times, according to the latest analytical basis. Na investigative, reflexive, conceptual and immanent methodology will be used, based on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, and it does not disconsider the practical nature of the theme, even when developed in the majoritarian way. In Difference and Repetition, Deleuze radically criticizes the Philosophy of Representation, the grounds for the growth and the establishment of Identity, in its classical sense and in its contemporary derivations. In order to prove his ideas on the manifestation of Difference in its pure state, Deleuze perverts and attacks each and every form of submission of the differential to representation. In this context, identity is considered in constant relation to Difference. When Images are taken to confirm this relation between Identity-Difference, Identities are no longer revealed in their strict meanings, but Identitary Images are produced in each of the territories that are going to undertake the identity-imagetic captures of Pedagogy and the professionals involved with it. In these territories, Lines of Flight are traced, and these provoke the dynamics of desterritorialization of elements in place. In these creative and creating scapes the nomadic traces take place, and they give Pedagogy not only the Intensity potency of Geopedagogy, but also the strength of expressions that are singularly experiential. These two strengths/potencies come out of two basic foundations of a dynamic mapping: variable elements from the chaos of Pedagogy, or its regular teachings, and its matching element, the event of apprentice-learning. Both are experiential features, and they take place in Pedagogy in a minority state, for they come from collective desires which are in conformity with the presence of a celibate-pedagogue in action.


pedagogy nomades nomadism imagem identity images identidade pedagogia

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