Das igrejas ao cemiterio : politicas publicas sobre a morte no Recife do Seculo XIX




From the study of the construction project of the Public Cemetery Bom Jesus da Redenção, in the XIXth century Recife, this work analyses how the traditional funerary customs were modified after the imposed new sanitary norms. In this sense, the outdoor cemeteries triggered new cultural practices and new adapted attitudes related to death. The hygienist physicians, decisively influencing the elaboration and approval of these norms by the public authorities, believed that the dead bodies were possible focuses of miasmatic emanations, becoming powerful infectious agents of the air, and sources of all possible epidemies in the city. The prohibition of burials inside churches originated many arguments and conflicts in the Recife s society of the XIX century, as also happened in other Brazilian cities: into the public authority, in the elaboration of laws and regulations regarding the new burial practices, as well as in the population, that perceived as menaced its most intimate burial practices, mostly between those belonging to religious fraternities and emerging dealers of the new funereal services. Besides, the study of the transformations of the funereal customs was fundamental to the understanding of the conflict between Church and State in the second half of the XIX century, mostly because of the Church refusal in accept the right of the non-catholic to be buried in the public cemeteries, viewed as decisive elements for the secularization of the death in the eighteenth century Brazil


medicine - history - brazil - xixth century burial - xixth century public health mortality - recife (pe) - xixth century death - religious aspects medicina - historia - brasil secularization cemiterios - brasil enterros - historia morte - aspectos religiosos mortalidade - recife (pe) saude publica cemeteries - brazil - xixth century secularização

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