Dança e política: participação das organizações civis na construção de políticas públicas. / Dance and politics: participation of the dance civil organizations in the construction of public policies.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The object of this theses is to discuss the construction of dance public policies through the politic organization of the area, which has been an emergence presented in Brazil in the last ten years. The objective is to map the context in which this emergence occurred, and the way dance civil organizations had taken part in the implementation process of the National Cultural System. For that, this theses talks over when and how dance has been inserted as an area of actuation in the public federal policies and over the development of programs in the area between 1976 and 2010. The research was ruled in the hypothesis that the political organization in dance tends to occur motivated by external agents of its system, as an example, the pressure of the Federal Council of Physical Education on dances market in 2001, and the proposition of the National Cultural System in the Lulas government, since 2003. To attest the hypothesis, organizations of the civil society were researched through a questionnaire and documents of the Funartes Documental Center, in Rio de Janeiro, were compiled. The analysis was established in a systemic approach based on authors as Mário Bunge and Jorge Albuquerque Vieira, in the study of Cultural Policies based on authors as Antonio Albino Canelas Rubim, Isaura Botelho, Teixeira Coelho and Lia Calabre, and in participative decmocracy principles with the authors Robert Dahl, Richard Dworkin and Amarthya Sen. As a conclusion, the politic organization of dance has fundamental importance as an strategy for the legitimacy of public policies and to its expansion in economic, politic and cultural terms.


dança política política pública sociedade civil dance politics public policies civil society teatro

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