Da representação à apresentação: mudança em fluxo da linguagem publicitária?


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The researchs objective is to study the characteristics of the changes of advertising language, when it lies under the impact of new communication technologies, which generate cyberspace and cyber culture. Its studys objects are campaigns developed in the period between 1960-1980 and 1990-2010 - Lux (1963), Limpol (1978), Gol (2007) and Seda (2008); other campaigns were remembered for emphasizing aspects arising from major campaigns to analysis, such as Fox (2010) and Coca-Cola (2010). The question to be answered is: would the advertising be involved in a flow in which its language ceases to be a representation and becomes the presentation? The understanding is that through the exercise of representation, a third subject, "he / they", is placed on stage to represent possible or desirable aspirations of a subject-consumer that is, then, induced to consumption. On presentation, it is said that advertising, pressed against a backdrop of changing characteristics of cyber culture, would leave in search of maintaining its status as spokesperson and mirror of the consumer society, accepting the presence of the "subject" as a co-participant of the advertising communications action. A subject-consumer, in which occurs the reversal of the classical roles of transmitter-receiver of the medium/message, could be shared by both. He considers the assumptions of "membership" or "rejection" of advertising in relation to this flow. The rejection means the maintenance of its persuasive function as a priority and the denial of the subject as a participant in the advertisings "text". With membership, advertising takes the co-participation of the subject and also the equivalence/transparency relation with him. To give the thesis fundaments, there was a search for authors whose discussions involves Culture and Medias Environments, such as Lucrécia DAlessio Ferrara and Marshall McLuhan; besides others like Edgard Morin, Zigmunt Bauman, Jean Baudrillard and Gilles Lipovetsky, which prioritize studies on the present moment under the strong impact of essentially changing transformations like cyberspace. The thesis showed that the change in the flow from the representation language to the presentation one occurs, and that the subject-consumer is a vector that determines its fate, while it is advertisings duty to look it up and introduce itself within the societys liquid by both shared. Therefore, they are so similar in the midst of immersion and using seduction as a way to come to the world of communication, sharing also the same metaphor, the presentation


contemporaneidade comunicação imersão mediação publicidade sujeito comunicacao contemporary communication immersion mediation advertising subject

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