Da pluralidade dos corpos : educação, diversão e doença na comarca de Vila Rica




Being Minas Gerais a society that carries out numerous exchanges, changes, circulation, this research tries to understand the proceedings of education of the bodies from the amusement on and circumscribes as its object, ways of educating amusing, falling ill and curing. In a society represented by the appearance that it considers important having, but fundamental being, in which the exemplary life is rule, the body stands out. State and the Church, the most important resorts of power, established a moralizing and civilizing politic that longs for arranging the common well-being establishing a civility model. They act, then, looking for the control of habits in which reigns vigilance. Being the basic presupposition the idea that the cultural universe presented is not limited to the European one and that it is not always caught to the values, gests and the African habits, native and European, characterized by hibridation, permeabilities and staying, this research tries to understand the bodies? dynamism in Vila Rica. Supported in sources such as iconography, literature and documents, it explores the rule?s area where the control of daily?s life establishes manners and ways to proceed, ways to educate the bodies. In addition, it stands out the contraventions through transgressions, crimes and deviations. Having this two subjects in mind, the research tries to understand how people get closer to or distant from the standards and how they reinvent them: ways and deways. It develops the understanding of education that appeals to the government of the habits, at that time marked by disproportion between white and black people, where the black ones were the majority. This way, the research tempted to understand the idea of educating the others, including good and ill treatment, with the white man and the black slaves and their descendants. That?s why not only educational procedures of the church, parents and landlords should be considered, but also the investigation of the changes in the physical space, because body and space, at that time and at that space, suffer significant interventions of restructuration that longs for order and cleanliness through suface?s alterations, in the wrappers. Having the amusement as the scope, the deways stand out even though the rationing of these practices were predominant and the economic aspect directed cultural life and guided actions like relaxation, science, amusement and bodies traits. This view of amusement brings, as a consequence, the effort to institute practices, especially between black people and their descendants, an action that calls for interventions and numerous strategies, control and bodies discipline. Nevertheless, permitted or not, places and ways of amusement showed in cultural practices, such as games, parties, dances, baptisms and throbs, held in the streets, churches, stores and prostitution houses translates time and space, sociability, permissivity, publicity, disorder and banishment are showed especially by deviation. Then, pleasure, entertainment and delights, even being permitted, should be watched. Further on rules, transgressions and control tries, illnesses are present. Extremely linked, amusement and diseases are showed in different practices and speeches, in which are also associated to vice and sin


brazil minas gerais espaços publicos - minas gerais colonial period century xviii urban space corpo humano - historia slavery human body history escravidão history

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