Da maré para o seco: família, moradia e pobreza




This is a case study about the perceptions of families that left the swamp area known as Alagados to a new dry land house project area called Novos Alagados. The concerned community is considered one of the poorest among the shantytowns of Salvador, Bahia, living on palafitas () and aterros (landfills) and exposed to constant risks due to a socially degraded and a highly devastated natural environment. In such a context, by leaving the swamps onto the dry lands, each family moved into a brick house, as part of a social and political intervention under a poverty-decreasing official program. Hence the very goals of this case study: an analysis of the reactions by such families as compared to their previous and lasting expectations (as in the changing meaning of neighborhood, violence and education) and a further comprehension of the ways in which their lives and their living space underwent a reorganization on the basis of differences in social status and the existence of arising relational tensions. A final analysis is developed by considering the relationship between poverty and income - the so called geography of poverty, as well as the differences in the rate of urbanization and regional discrepancies, in such a way as to bring closer individual and social aspects in their reciprocal interactions.


transplante sociologia urbana and transformations poverty families housing relocation moradia pobreza famílias mudanças

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