Da igreja católica à igreja universal : um estudo sobre os sentidos construídos por católicos que se converteram à igreja universal do reino de Deus




This dissertation had as larger objective to apprehend the senses that were built by Catholics along its conversion process to the Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD). In a specific way, it tried to investigate as the Catholic Religion it served as support to the followerses for the resolution of the discontents and of the abandonment before the conversion; to identify because the followerses stood back of its religious tradition; to aim the subjective aspects that motivated the choice of IURD as new religious option; and to analyze the repercussions of the conversion in the life of these subjects, especially in the dimensions of significance of the discontents and of the abandonment. Leaving of a general outline concerning the Stages of the Conversion proposals for Valle (2002), these stages were rethought with base in the theoretical inclination that it sustained this research, which is, the psychoanalysis, to know this that was good so much for the construction of the theoretical categories of this study (Discontents, Abandonment, Investment of Object and Weltanschauung), as for the analysis of the data. The methodology was characterized, according to Minayo (2003), for the qualitative perspective, for individual interviews in depth (Gaskell, 2002) with 07 informers; and for the construction of categories on the data that, in agreement with Pinheiro (1999), it promotes the sense production and it establishes versions of the reality. Starting from the analysis of the data, he met that, although the Catholic Religion and other religious speeches that were part of the religious atmosphere of the informers have served as support in the resolution of the discontents and of the abandonment before the conversion, these speeches in some moment they failed in its support function, playing the followerses in a condition of abandonment, denominated by Freud (1927/1996a) of condition of abandonment. On the choice of IURD, it was noticed that was at this time of abandonment where the subjects came across the message iurdiana, which brought them a new ideal: that in that denomination all the problems could be completely resolved. Concerning the repercussions of the conversion in the life of these subjects, it was verified that the possibility of conquest of the ideal transmitted by the message iurdiana depended of the execution of a group of commitments, such as, to baptize in the waters, to become ofertante, "dizimista fiel" and, finally, to be baptized by the Espírito Santo. Finally, in terms of discontents, he met that all the suffering sources have now in the Evil, embodied by the Devil, its reason of being; and that the abandonment didn t appear more permeated by despair, anguish, fear, position that the support of an Alive God, a God of help would be had. Key-words: Religion; Psychoanalysis; Discontents; Abandonment; Investment of Object; Weltanschauung.


psicologia - dissertaÇÕes tratamento e prevencao psicologica religiÃo - aspectos psicolÓgicos - dissertaÇÕes

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