Da hospitalidade às psicoses: um discurso em interrogação / From the hospitality to psychosis: a speech in question / De l¿hospitalité aux psychoses: un discours en interrogation


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work derives from a clinical and institutional trajectory, from which raised the question about the effects of social ties on encountering with specification the psychic position of psychotic subjects. Then, segments of the path of research are reported, made with the bet of rewriting the edges of the psychoanalytic clinics - that can be observed in experiments with therapeutic workshops and follow-up therapy, but not only ¿ to say the ways in which this issue has been gaining the form of a discourse in question. It starts with the Lacanian formulation around the discursive structure of social ties - especially taking into account the university and capitalistic discourses. In addition, the place of exteriority that maintains the structure in relation to psychotic speeches, for then situate the hospitality, as is elaborated by Derrida, as the possibility of welcoming the differences that the psychoses carries. In this way, the concepts of transference, resistance, and testimony, from Freud and Lacan, appear as ways of naming the space-time on that can emerge hospitality on out-ofspeech, whose specificity appears in the form of impasse on inscription of subjective contours between self and other-Other, self and strange. Since then, it is suggested that giving hospitality to otherness of the subjective position in the psychoses, implies on welcoming, as a structural request, the tension inherent of the limits between the self and the other-Other. Considering the way how the university discourse of science, in sometime of the history of culture, responded to this "request" building the walls of the asylum and the category of "mental illness", which did not include the difference, but rather, operated the fall for the narcissism¿s alley. Then wonders how the university discourse in science, nowadays, in complicity with the discourse of capitalism, can be affected in case of the out-of-speech of psychosis find on the researcher a position of hospitality. The question that is on the horizon is: giving hospitality to psychosis would produce method effect s? The hospitality to psychosis would be an opportunity for a repositioning ethical and politically about how, nowadays, we ve conceived our forays into the world of knowledge?


hospitality laço social psicose psychosis social ties universidade university discourse psychoanalysis hospitalité psychoses lien social discours universitaire psychanalyse

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