DA HIEROFANIA À RESISTÊNCIA DO SAGRADO: o mito como expressão do sagrado, suas controvérsias no discurso ocidental e sua resistência na literatura moderna / ARAÙJO, Lafaiete Cotinguiba. Of the hierophany to the resistance of sacred: the myth as expression of the sacred one, its controversies in the occidental speech person and its resistence in modern literature. Goiânia, University Catholic of Goiás, 2005.




The present study aimed to promote an analysis of the Myth and its expression as a phenomenon that is rightly assigned to the Sacred ambit. We searched for an understanding of that phenomenon by means of the Religion Phenomenology methodology taking into account the connection between Myth and Sacred. In order to achieve the main objectives of this investigation and obtain its theoretical support, we turned to the greatest Religion Phenomenology authors, such as Rudolf Otto and Mircea Eliade. A brief analysis of the Myth trajectory throughout Occidental discourse was carried through. We also analysed the consequences of the confrontation between several interpretations originated from a variety of epistemological approaches. After doing a review of the Myth situation in the occidental thought, our task was to verify how the literature constitutes itself as a space for the continuation of the Myth in the occidental society imaginary. That is particularly important if we take into account the modern world rejection of the Sacred thesis. Faced with the modern world rejection of the Sacred phenomenon, it is up to the Sacred to take a stand in a camouflaged way. The camouflage became a unique opportunity to externalize the manifestations of the Sacred in our time. The literature also offered a privileged space to the expression of absolutely mythical themes and characters in the modern literature narratives. Some literary works, which demonstrate that phenomenon, were mentioned and quoted in this study. We came from the conception that the Sacred is a consciousness structure and, because of it, there is no possibility to move the Myth and the Sacred representations away even from a world apparently lacking the Sacred. Therefore the Sacred resists in the literature through mythical themes and characters representations and in others occidental society cultural expressions as well.


sagrado mito myth teologia sacred literatura e camuflagem literature and camouslage

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