Da extinção do estado: a extinção do estado como plenitude democrática e republicana: elementos para uma teoria marxista da política e do estado




This paper goal is reflecting about the marxist state theory from this ultimate aim as an historical-political project : the state extintion We intend to demonstrate that, according to Marx and Engels, even with some contradictions, the State extinction its not related to a political system extinction or to the politics extinction, but only to the social distortions that legitimate the State as an historical reality.. The State extinction corresponds to only one political form : the democratic republic. Well try to prove also that the multiple marxist state theories, those that contemplate different aspects such as alienations, as a dominant classinstrument, as a high-authonomy domination, and even as the material condensation of forces, can only be unified by the State extinction concept.. This paper will be developed within the limits of a dissertation, starting with the evolutions of Marx and Engels ideas , then the theories from the main ideologists of the Second International, Lênin and Gramsci, until the vanishing and desqualification of the state exction problematic in the marxismo by the end of the 20th century.. After this explanation, well lead to the democratic issues analisys, particularly during the whole 20th century, recognizing its importance and urgency, even inside the marxism itself. Then , well have a doublé-conceptualism, non-excludent, about Democracy : enlarged and minimal. The first, can only be total, when some realities developed sometimes together, sometime separated are integrated : The Republic, the human rights, and The State of Right. The other democracy is presented with a minimal possible content for its existence. Democracy, even minimal depends on a minimal consensus. That would be possible on a society divided by classes? Well try to show, based on similarities and differences between Hobbes and Marx studies, that, even tough the society is divided in classes, she needs, to exist, a minimal social contract. And to explain this, well use Historical Materialism concepts. Well show the links between the Hobbes and Marx conceptual structures with facts that will prove us that the State foundation was a result of a war : the everybody against everybody -war, and tends itself as a fight among classes, a struggle to afford life rares commodities. Well see, also, what are the differences between Hobbes and Marx. For the first one, mans will is insatiable, while Marx says that it comes from a relative rareness pré-existent, since the Neolithic Revolution. In this case, the satisfaction depends on the alienated work, and contributes to generate an exceeding work. Its this fight that makes the State to appear as the winner coalition or the classes mediator. But the State is also a part that aims the exceeding work. So, it can never be, exclusively, the one to work for the public interest. As a power concentrator it becomes an object of a tough fight that results on the perpetuation of the everybody against everybody war, and uses all the means non compatible with Democracy and Republic. To conclude, well show that this situation can be interrupted, with abundance generalization and the end of the alienated work. These contribute to ease the social conflict and extinguish the classes. Eventually, the state would be restored by the civil society, as a subordinated organ, using the democratic and republican form, no more as a war field, but as a civilized form of solving common problems and human conflicts that may and will - come


contrato social engels, friedrich 1820-1895 -- contribuicoes a teoria do estado marxism hobbes marxismo democracia republic hobbes democracy estado, o -- teoria marx, karl 1818-1883 -- contribuicoes a teoria do estado state extinction estado ciencia politica -- filosofia marxist politics república filosofia

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