Da cidade universitária ao Campus da Pampulha da UFMG: arquitetura e urbanismo como materialização do ideário educacional (1943-1975)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research presents a study on the topic of university campuses in Brazil, based on the projects for the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), remarkable experience in higher education in the country. Within this context, the study emphasized the inaugural planning initiatives for The Pampulha Campus: the Plano Pederneiras (1943-1955), the Plano do Escritório Técnico (1956-1966) and the Plano Cordeiro (1967-1975). These proposals have been developed between the years of 1940-1970, a period of deep reforms in higher education and in the university space, heterogeneously and particularly the territorial production of this campus. Based on the plans, the survey aimed to study, document and analyze the correlations between architecture, urbanism, university, city, society and their implications for the constitution of the university space, specifically, The Pampulha Campus. For this purpose the research used three methodological procedures: the Documentary Research, especially related to the characterization of urban plans, the Literature Research which target is a broad approach of the subject related to the university campus and to historical, theoretical and conceptual subsidy for subject analysis; and the semi-structured interviews, in order to clarify issues related to proposals under consideration, such as authorship, relevant historical facts and design solutions. So, the study attempted to contribute to the institutional identity of UFMG and to the knowledge of the genesis and evolution of its spatial dimensions. In addition, it aimed to understand the process of institutionalization of Brazilian higher education associated with political and social actions, as well as to the spatialization of these ideas based on current architecture and urbanism.


arquitetura teses.

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