Da álgebra à enfermagem: um caminho de mão dupla / From algebra to nursing two side way




The relevance of this research is base don the issues related to the possibility of deepening into discussions and reflections on how to use the problem-situations which involve the proportion and reason concepts and they were arisen and elaborated from observations of nursing-professional practice that may be applied to technical course student graduation as well in elementary school course: in order to stimulate the practice in mathematics through investigation and reflection and would turn the learning into a more meaningful matter. This research is concerned with a qualitative approach and I have chosen, as methodology: non-directed interviews, analysis of the documents and participants observations. Based on the data, I have built up four problem-situations and one of them was applied, not only to a beginner student; but also to one who had been carrying out the nursing profession, making possible the result comparisons. The application results were observed in terms of Conceptual Field Theories, some aspects of Learning Social Theory and Activity Theory. They revealed that the theory does not provide access to the practice and neither does the opposite. In spite of this, it is possible to elaborate meaningful problems which approach the health transverse theme and come the mathematics near to its nursing context applications. It was shown that it was necessary to organize not only the elementary school but also the nursing technical course, concerning concepts of mathematics, so that the dichotomy between theory and practice may be lessened; making sense and giving interpretation of the context where these concepts are applied


administração de medicamentos enfermagem -- estudo e ensino matematica -- estudo e ensino nursing algebra educacao problem-situation Álgebra enfermagem proportion and reason medicine administration aritmetica farmaceutica elementary school

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