Cytological evaluation of oral mucosa epithelial cells in contact with orthodontics apparatus / Avaliação citológica das células epiteliais da mucosa bucal em contato com o aparelho ortodôntico em humanos




This study assessed the behavior of epithelium of the oral mucosa on orthodontic traumatism by exfoliative cytology. Smears were collected from three distinct regions of 22 participants (mean age: 27. 1 years-old) for analysis using liquid-based exfoliative cytology (DNA-CITOLIQ): region 1 - area of the oral mucosa under friction with orthodontic brackets on the inferior incisors, region 2 - area of the oral mucosa under friction with the tube on the orthodontic band in the first upper molar, and region 3 area of the vestibular mucosa under no friction (control area). Smears were stained by routine Papanicolaou stain and evaluated by light microscopy. Nuclear (NA) and cytoplasmic (CA) areas and nucleus-to-cytoplasm area ratio (N/C) were assessed by an image analysis system (Image-Pro Plus). Slides were analyzed for classification of Papanicolaou and cellularity too. Results showed that orthodontic traumatism was not able to induce significant changes in the nuclear and cytoplasmic morphology of the oral epithelium. Nevertheless, the multiple comparison of Tukey and Games-Howell tests showed that NA and CA of the cells in contact with orthodontic brackets and bands were smaller than control area (p<0.01). Class I smears were predominant in all evaluated areas. The number of class II smears (inflammatory) was elevated in the area of the mucosa in friction with the tube on the orthodontic band. According to these results, orthodontic apparatus are able to provoke injuries in the epithelium of oral mucosa and it reacts as an adaptative response by structural and inflammatory modifications.


odontologia mucosa bucal citologia esfoliativa ortodontia ferimentos e lesões

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