Cutaneous cryptococcosis in athymic and beige-athymic mice.


The dermotropism of Cryptococcus neoformans SLHA in congenitally athymic (nu/nu) and doubly immunodeficient beige-athymic (bg/bg-nu/nu) mice is described. Both bg/bg-nu/nu and nu/nu mice developed cutaneous cryptococcosis within 7 to 12 days following intravenous challenge with 10(4) encapsulated yeast cells. Macroscopically, cutaneous lesions appeared as small subcutaneous nodules without ulceration. Cryptococcal skin lesions were observed primarily on the flank of nu/nu mice, whereas skin lesions in bg/bg-nu/nu mice were distributed over the trunk, abdomen, and face. While bg/bg-nu/nu mice had four times as many macroscopic skin lesions as nu/nu mice on day 14 after intravenous challenge, the skin lesions in nu/nu mice were larger. Histopathology revealed large foci of encapsulated yeasts extending from the basement membrane of the epidermis through the dermis to the underlying musculature. Yeasts in these lesions evoked a minimal inflammatory response that consisted primarily of macrophages. Interestingly, yeast cells appeared to be degrading collagen bundles located in the dermis. The dermotropic strain used in this study produced gelatinase and other proteases in vitro. These results indicate that C. neoformans can be dermotropic in a T-cell-deficient host and that proteases may be a virulence factor(s).

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