Curvas de retenção de agua de um solo coluvionar de Campinas obtidas mediante tecnicas de laboratorio e de campo / Soil water characteristic curve of a colluvial soil determined by techniques laboratory and field




This research focuses in to determine the relationship of moisture content (or degree of saturation) versus the value of the suction matrix, known as soil water characteristic curve (SWCC), to the soil surface layer of the Field Experimental of Soil Mechanics and Foundation of UNICAMP. This profile consists of colluvial, lateritic, porous, on condition unsaturated and collapsible silty clay, with thickness around 6,5m and present on a clayed silt soil, residual of diabase; resulting from the high degree of weathering. To determine the curves, the techniques of filter paper and axis-translation were used, with a Richards equipment, this already used to the soil. The procedures were wetting and drying of the samples, allowing the study of the phenomenon of hysteresis, in the light of the structure and chemical and mineralogical composition of the soil. It was carried out in the field of "tracking a variation of suction matrix over a year, to confirm the phenomenon of hysteresis that occurs in situo The SWCCs supplied values of enter air ranging from 1 to 5 kPa, depending on the technique used, reminding the behaviour of sand, and showed that the phenomenon of hysteresis occurs in a manner more pronounced in soils with pores greater. Compared the achievements of ,lhe different techniques for conducting the tests and analyzed the differences between them


soil water characteristic curve mecanica do solo tensiometros tensiometers unsaturated soils filter paper histerese hysteresis solos tropicais solos - umidade

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