Cursos de língua portuguesa a distância: a interação em foco




This work is in the field of Distance Education, Enunciation Theory and Textual Linguistics. It consists in the study of interaction within a learning material developed for a Portuguese language Internet course. It is not our main objective to present results that can be tested in different contexts, but to observe and analyze how interaction occurs in a specific environment in order to improve our pedagogic practice and contribute to future studies in the distance education area. In a distance education computer-mediated course, the teacher creates strategies involving and motivating the students through written language. But what are the factors that make interaction and involvement possible within this universe? What sense effects do they produce in the construction of enunciation? What kinds of relationship do they establish between teacher and student? To answer these questions we based our work on enunciation and subjectivity, language interaction, social interactionism and classroom interaction studies. We verified in our analysis the occurrence of the following interactional strategies: subjectivity marks; use of declarations, explanations, exemplifications, questions, requests, recommendations, invitations, suppositions, repetitions and suggestions; oral and informality marks. Such strategies create rational of intelectual; sensorial and affective relations between the teacher - represented by the learning material - and the student


lingua portuguesa lingua portuguesa -- estudo e ensino lingua portuguesa ensino a distancia

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