Curso de Pedagogia: Um estudo sobre o uso dos computadores e a formação inicial




This study develops a reflection about teachers formation, in pedagogy courses, for the use of computores. For this, documents of four institutions, which have in their pedagogy courses subjects related with the use of technology, are analysed. The ementation, objectives, the contents and the bibliography were analyses, having as criterion theoritical references, adequacy to Directive Curriculum and teachers formation, expressive words and coherence among the aspects analysed. Attempted in fundamentals with theoric support in Tecnology, Public Politics, Curriculum and teachers formation. Theoretical reflection imposed by trendy challenges and the necessity of adequacy brought by changes of a new time. Seeking teachers competence so that the formation is consistent and educational practice is consciores, resulting in better quality at teaching. Opted for this theme to understand that, inicial formation showld also be the objective of investigation, and that continuity showld subsidize educational practice so that its updated, being developed in schoves and by Public Politics. This study clearly demonstrates that there is much to be done, so that teachers formation in Pedagogy courses are adequate to requirements to nowadays schools, a change is necessary the world is in constant change, computores are an important integrant in modern scenery that extends through out contemporary society, but it has to be used adequately, teachers formation must succeed in this challenge, we need professionals who are willing to change the view of education


professores - formação profissional computadores na educação formação inicial educação - processamento de dados educacao currículos

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