Cultura negra na sala de aula: pode um cantinho de africanidades elevar a auto-estima de crianças negras e melhorar o relacionamento entre crianças negras e brancas?




The objective of this study was to analize the conceptions of the white children and the black ones before the black people and their culture, to analize the characteristics of a project that aims at fighting racism and discrimination having a Cantinho de Africanidades as a starting point. By the agency of it, we will try to analize the different experiences of the children, the teacher and the family, identifying and describing the contributions of the developed activities on account of the education of the ethnic-racial relations to positive relations between the white children and the black ones. It was created a Cantinho de Africanidades at the investigated school, with a material space which was a permanent exposition of objects that showed the culture and history of the black people, but there was also a part that consisted of the relations of the children with the objects, texts, texts and, above all, with the other children. Several activities were developed during the school year and they showed the culture and history of the black people in Africa, in Brazil or in the diaspora. There was a remarkable improvement in the relationship between the white children and the black ones; there was acceptation of the black children, who previously hat not assumed themselves as such; the white children understood that there may be different cultures from theirs which can be as interesting as their own, and finally, there was the increase in the black children self-esteem when they realized they were members of a valorized culture.


africanidades auto estima relações intergrupais educação discriminação racial identidade educacao

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