Cultura midiatica na licenciatura em Letras




This research seeks to understand how the media, as articulated in teacher training and in the cultural universe, was represented in the curricula in teaching certification in Letters at a state university from 1995-2002. It unfolds on the basis of a case study, starting with the collection and analysis of official information from such diverse sources as curricula, course outlines, projects, and teacher training events. Moreover, interviews with teachers and egresses of the course had been made. The study is informed by Cultural Studies and Theories of Media-Education and Curricula. These will help develop a line of thinking in which the media is understood in terms of questioning the limits between cultures and a teacher training focused on a renewed relationship between theory and practice. Traversing these diverse routes can be found those knowledges and practices which have become either hegemonic or silenced in teaching certifications. On the route of the Letters, lies the media.


graduação curriculos midia praticas de leitura formação de professores

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