Cultura, identidade e gênero no processo de imigração judaica de sobreviventes da Segunda Guerra Mundial


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis is divided into four studies, two theoretical and two empirical. The research took as its starting point the study of immigration of survivors of World War II to the south of Brazil, seen that immigration drives changes in attitudes and identity, among other things, related to gender relations. The initial part of the research was a literature review to clarify concepts of immigrant and refugee Jewish immigration in Brazil, focusing on the Rio Grande do Sul, and issues related to ethnic and cultural identity, as well as the acculturation process in general and how we can apply these concepts to Jewish immigrants. We also conducted a second review of the literature focusing on issues of gender relations through research on women, Jewish and non-Jewish, lived in the Holocaust, in order to give visibility to the experiences faced by them, which resulted in the discovery that many suffered gender violence, having to prostitute themselves. Already the empirical articles were through a documentary analysis of interviews with Jewish immigrants survivors filed in Marc Chagall Jewish Cultural Institute in Porto Alegre, Brazil, followed by a discourse analysis of documents collected. The first article empirically investigated issues related to ethnic and cultural identity of the survivors in proceso immigration, the second specifically explored experiences of the survivors in Europe and Brazil, related to gender relations. As a result it was found that immigrants passed a acculturation in which their ethnic identities and gender became the proceso of acculturation.


psicologia social imigraÇÃo judaica - rio grande do sul guerra mundial ii, 1939-1945 cultura aculturaÇÃo identidade (psicologia) relaÇÕes de gÊnero psicologia

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