Cultura escolar e cultura científica: aproximações, distanciamentos e hibridações por meio da análise de argumentos no ensino de biologia e na biologia / School culture and scientific culture: drawing closer, distancing and hybridizations by means of arguments analysis in Biology Education and in Biology




The thesis presented here suggests that school culture regulates the access to objects of scientific culture, as opposed to the idea of enculturation. To pursue that, we begin with a long theoretical discussion in which the concepts of culture, field or sphere, school culture (a pedagogical relationship subject to time, specific places and objects) and scientific culture (human activity with standardized methods) are discussed. Finally, it is necessary to understand the dialogue between school culture and scientific culture. In other words, to examine their field of hybridization. After establishing the concepts, we chose as object two scientific texts and the answers of ten students, all on the same subject: the notion that the DNA molecule is the carrier of hereditary information. We use the Toulmins model of argumentation (1958/2006) and the linguistic categories of Koch (2000) to identify elements of the arguments and their relationship. The analysis of the texts have shown that students are using substantive arguments, while scientists construct their texts by means of analytical arguments. The difference between the use of verb tenses between scientific texts and those of the students suggests the transformation of a functional biology into a historical narrative. The lexical selection and use of qualifiers has made visible the interchange between the alethic and epistemic modalities which have different functions in both discourses. The analysis has allowed us to see that the path traveled by the students to access the scientific truths or to construct visions of science involves stages and processes different from those covered by the scientists. If, on the one hand, to provide an understanding of the results in the scientific sphere it is not sufficient goal for teaching science, on the other hand, not all the rules are accessible to students. Thus, the science teaching should be seen as a process of building a specific vision of science that involves the understanding of its concepts and language. Instead of inserting the students in this new culture, it should help them to exchange impressions with it.


scientific culture hibridação argumentação school culture ensino de biologia argumentation cultura escolar hybridization educação científica biology education science education cultura científica

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