Cultura da Vizinhança: Identidade Individual e Vida Urbana / Neighborhood Culture: Individual Identity and Urban Life




In her doctorate's thesis, the author describes a research carried out in a small French town, where she shows the opposition between the planner's discourse concerned about introducing a logic to the everyday life of inhabitants of a small working-class village, and the concerns of those people, mostly retired, whose life had actually been impregnated by the neighborhood. Based on this experience, the author argues that, without a thorough and detailed observation of the everyday practices, no intervention in the urban space should be done. Starting from the fact that modern city planning follows certain rules which oblige people who live there to a brutal transition from private to public space, since it treats movement as a problem of flow destroying the subtle interplay of public and private developed in a "transitional space", and changing the concept of neighborhood interchange. This research will try to find some neighborhoods inside a large city such as São Paulo, where the observance of the transition from private to public can be done. The author believes that the study of the set of rules governing social interaction, which happens in these intermediate or transitional spaces will enable us to examine a "neighborhood culture" which varies from town to town as well as inside the same city.


cultura da vizinhança identidade individual vida urbana

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