Cultivo de TilÃpia do Nilo em esgoto domÃstico tratado com diferentes taxas de alimentaÃÃo / Cultivation of Nile tilapia in sewage treated with different feeding rates


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The distribution of water is very uneven both in geography and in rainfall throughout the year, making this feature is short of the needs of the population, making us consider the practice of reuse of water as one of the exits to the problems of water supply. This research sought to develop the best methods of cultivation for the implementation of fish farming with the use of treated sewage. It was used nine (09) ponds with 50m  of volume each, which were fuelled by domestic sewage treated for the ongrowing of Nile tilapia in three experimental treatments.1 treatment was not offered commercial feed, 2 treatment was offered 50% of the commercial feed suggested by the manufacturer; 3 treatment was offered 100% of the commercial feed suggested by the manufacturer. The following water quality parameters were observed: temperature, pH, OD, nitrite, BOD and COD. From the data collected in biometry, were analyzed the parameters of growth in total length (cm/fish), weight (g/fish), biomass (g/m3) productivity (kg/ha/day) and food conversion rate (CA). All this data were statistically analyzed (ANOVA and Tukey test). Microbiological analyses of produced fish were conducted. Among the parameters of water quality OD and COD showed extremes variations, where OD reached 1.79 mg/l, and COD 494.0 mg/l. For growth in length (cm/fish) treatment 2 presented the best result and is statistically different from the other two treatments. To gain weight (g/fish) the treatment 2 presented again the best result, however, is statistically similar to treatment 1 and 3. For the gain of biomass (g/m) treatment 2 obtained the best result, however, this is statistically similar to the Treatment 1. Treatment 3 showed the worst outcome, as well as productivity and feed conversion. Only a sample of gill showed contamination by Estafilococus Coagulase positive, yet it not makes the consumption of this fish inappropriate. By those findings we concluded that the best treatment to be applied is the cultivation of Nile tilapia with the use of treated domestic sewage is the use of 50% of commercial feed suggested by the manufacturer (treatment 2)


engenharia de pesca tilÃpia do nilo cultivo esgoto domÃstico nile tilapia, culture, domestic sewage tilÃpia (peixe) Ãgua - reutilizaÃÃo peixe - criaÃÃo

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