Cuidando de quem cuidava: as transformações familiares diante de condições crônicas incapacitantes na meia-idade




Due to the increase of the chronic illness and the medical resources that generate survivors of acute physical illness, the purpose of this research is to understand the impact of chronic illness situations on middle-age, especially in cases of incapacitation that requires a familiar functioning reorganization. Because of the complexity of these cases, the choice of this work was to specially approach families with dependent children and that the carrier of the chronic illness is the member who supports the family. A qualitative inquiry was carried through on eight families. The data included interview , familiar genogram and part of the test Entrevista Familiar Estruturada (EFE). This data were discussed based on the systemic theory under a biopsycossocial perspective, with the survey of the main aspects that had allowed understanding of the interconnection among the biological, psychological and social sphere. Under the point of view of a familiar event, the results of this research allowed an understanding about the transformations that suffer a family with a middle-age adult with a chronic incapacity. The incapacity cases demands changes that reach the individual and familiar cycles of life and than alter insidiously in familys organization, relationship and functioning. Substitutions are required and changes are imposed that involves losses, with concomitant offering of care. When who fall ill is in middle age and centers the familiar responsibilities, the run down of the familiar system is intense and extensive. It involves post-pone, anticipation and cancellation of plans, intervenes on financial statements and it rearranges the relationships, being able to modify some familiar rules, leadership, hierarchies and cohesion between members. In this research, although the incapacity characteristics have been sufficiently notable to the configuration of the familiar organization, the quality of the previous relationship revealed the most significant factor for familiar flexibility and adaptation to the (new) condition. The characteristics of the familiar functioning and repercussions in the member who supports the family under a desenvolvimental approach had been argued. The results discussion pointed out to the necessity of psychological attention to the families with a chronic illness situation (member), considering the familiar structure and dynamics and still its vital cycle moment. The deeper understanding of each case with the apprehension of the meanings and beliefs, as well as the approach of the suffering of the families allowed the elaboration of a reflection about professional position, criterion for the clinical inquiry and the reach of the health psychology for providing interventions in the families that are living illness situations


psicologia da saúde pessoas de meia-idade adoecimento crônico chronic illness systemic theory doencas cronicas -- tratamento teoria sistêmica psicologia funcionamento familiar idosos -- relacoes com a familia familiar functioning incapacity health psychology incapacitação

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