Critiria of funding format applied in projects of feeder roads in state of São Paulo. / Critérios de formatação de funding para projetos em rodovias vicinais no Estado de São Paulo.




The objective of this research is to study the existing criteria of funding`s models applied in projects of road transportation in Brazil, in particular the feed roads in state of São Paulo. Starting from a critical analysis of existing references and criteria of funding`s models in feeder roads in Brazil and surrounding, processes and database are established to give support to format this type of business. Through study case required to evaluate the application of these processes, at the end, these criteria are consolidated to provide guidelines to format funding applied in feeder roads. So that, the companies of the sector of road transport and agribusiness sector will be able to reach more efficient levels of planning and competitiveness, and improve their support to tactical level decisions, as much in the environment of the company such as the environment of enterprises of feeder roads.


feeder roads parceria público-privada negócio (formação) public-private partnership business formatting in transportation s infrastructure rodovias vicinais

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