Critical success factors in the administration of collaborative projects of development of agricultural machines: a case study / Fatores críticos de sucesso na gestão de projetos colaborativos de desenvolvimento de máquinas agrícolas: um estudo de caso




The collaborative projects of development are one of the main tools in order to agricultural machines companies get to increase the innovation degree in products, allowing them to follow the new challenges of a more competitive market. There is in the literature several works that identify critical success factors (CSF) for collaborative projects; however, there are not many studies about the verification of those factors in Brazil, especially in the agricultural machinery industry. The aim of this work is to verify if identified CSF in the literature could be used in that context. A bibliographical revision was undertaken to identify the "critical success factors" in collaborative projects of development of products and a revision on agricultural machines industry in order to understand the specificities of that section in Brazil. After that it has taken place a survey in a company of that sector, with high level of maturity in development of measured product according to Simões (2007), to verify if identified CSF could be used in surveys in that sector and to verify if there were any other factors to be considered, specific for that segment and field. A case study was used and the units of analysis are collaborative projects accomplished successfully by the company. Two projects development of products were analyzed, with different kinds of partner: one with a customer and the other with a supplying company. Besides the interviews it has taken visits to the companies in order to know the analyzed projects. There are factors described that could not be critical; the results indicate the existence of new critical factors and they confirm the importance of equality and universal factors as critical for collaborative projects. The main contribution of these projects is a list of critical factors of success that one can serve as initial step for general survey in this field.


collaborative project projetos colaborativos critical success factors (csf) fatores críticos de sucesso máquinas agrícolas agricultural machinery

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