Critical (in)tensions in and from the inside of Kierkegaardian thought or the critical philosophy in an abstract philosophy / (In)tensões críticas no e do interior do pensamento Kierkegaardiano ou o filosofar crítico encravado numa filosofia abstrata




The kierkegaardian displacement of the classic doubt from the object towards the subject questions the foundations of a modernizer modernity that standardizes the experiences until the same limit of a bankruptcy of the critical one. Immanent to doubtful subjectivities that empty absurdly all mediation with the things, one to think ambiguously critical is differentiated of abstract determination of the being passing for what it resists negative as historically psychological repression in each standardized abstraction, what perspective a reconciliation not psychological repression only in the great to pass beyond of the historical problem of a totalitarian abstraction. Rationalizing of form dialectic in the existing things without to make norm an abstract to be negative, a critical thinker to pass beyond of this negative being ironically, problem immanent essentially in open, for a paradoxical subjective dialectic that subjectively reconfigures one all absurdly critical through a historically situated subjectivity in ambiguous form as the truth and the not-truth; and it is passed beyond, in turn, leading in consideration the to make norm of a without-direction more than nonsense, problem immanent essentially in open, for a new rationalization dialectic. Before an antinomy, that would have a daily pay-critical character here, is about a antinormalization on the part of one thinking critical ambiguously objective stuck in subjective form about the historical threshold of its proper bankruptcy.


irony ideology dialética ironia critical ideologia crítica dialectic

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