Critical Environmental Education: from echo and recreate / Educação ambiental crítica: entre ecoar e recriar




This work contributes to the practice of Critical Environmental Education, through the construction of a theoretical text. The central concern is to bring together the practices of Environmental Education Critical to the also critical social and educational theories. Thus, to provide the necessary support for the construction of methodologies appropriate to the speech processor of this field. Without a necessary theoretical adjustment there may occur an emptying of speech and practice that could generate an echo and not recreate new pedagogical praxis and contributions to social transformation. This echo is described by the myth of Echo and Narcissus used metaphorically to describe the relationship between environmental education and mode of production and political hegemonic power. The strategy used to analyze, describe and contextualize concepts historically seen as the foundation for Critical Environmental Education. The concepts of networks and interdisciplinarity were highlighted as examples of the problem between what can and what can recreate echo in Critical Environmental Education.


redes sociais networks interdisciplinarity critical environmental education educação ambiental - crítica interdisciplinaridade

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