Crises e emergências paradigmáticas na ciência, no currículo e na educação física : repercussões sobre a formação de professores




This work was composed by two moments. The first moment consisted in characterizing the paradigmal crisis and the emergencies that occurred in Science, Curriculum, and in the Physical Education, in order to point out each field particularly and aspects they have in common. We developed our study on what we call the complex thought (method), based on Morin, as we observe the connections, articulations, implications, the interdependencies, complexities, among the Science, Curriculum, and Physical Education paradigm. Our research is considered as theoretical, bibliographical, and qualitative. The second part was done using document analysis, which focused on three versions of Physical Education teachers Program curricula ? Licenciature ? Universidade Estadual de Londrina (1972, 1992, and 2005) and also analyzing the course final paper presented in the year 2008. The objective of this moment was to diagnose if the future professional teachers incorporated the crisis and paradigmal emergencies in the field of Science, Curriculum, and Physical Education and as well as to study if these issues are treated in a systematized way in and by the undergraduate program curricula. We perceived that these issues were mentioned in their programs, which lead us to observe a chronological improvement in the Physical Education curricula, considering that they were not treated at all in curriculum I. However, we point out that: (a) the consolidation of a systematized treatment of science and curriculum themes in the program content as well as in the basic and complementary bibliographical references is minimum, and (b) many authors from this field of study are mentioned in the references, indicating that, possibly the Physical Education theme, in its crisis and paradigmal emergency, is treated in a relevant way. If we, as Physical Education teachers, expect to see any significant change in our pedagogical practice, we can not simplify or separate it from Physical Education-Curriculum-Science context.


educação física - formação de professores ciências - formação de professores physical education teachers training science teachers training

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