Crise e transformação : um estudo sobre a experiência de alunos de baixa renda num cursinho popular / Crisis and transformation : the experience of working class students in a popular preparatory course for university entrance.




The objective of the present study is to identify and discuss psychosocial crisis and transformations that students undergo in a popular preparatory course for university entrance (PPC) in São Paulo, Brazil. These juveniles come from working class families whose histories are remarkable for constant political suffering, experienced as social humiliation and exclusion from public places. These PPC are non-governmental organizations, whose mission is to help working class juveniles enter public universities. A juveniles trajectory over a PPC presents a very rich psychosocial experience and the approach of this experience and the transformations derived from constituted the core question in the present study: how do these subjects recall and signify such experience? How has this experienced impacted on these intervieweesperceptions over themselves, their social place, and their relationship with knowledge? The available researches in Brazil usually focus on the pedagogical and efficacy of such preparatory courses. Therefore, we were willing to investigate these studentsmemories. The methodological approaches of the present study comprised the researchers autobiography reconstruction and in-depth interviews with three former students from a PPC. The purpose of autobiography reconstruction was to explore potential phenomena for investigation. It must be highlighted that the narrative work may produce and benefit from some critical distance between the researcher and himself/the subject, the researcher and his memories from the PPC. The interviews were supported by previous guidelines and sought to stimulate as much as possible the intervieweesfree discourse regarding episodes of practices in the PPC. The analysis was guided by reports on the subjectsexperiences at the PPC and other moments of their histories that helped understand the meaning of the experiences selected for the present study. The memories have revealed the preparatory course as a living place, full of meaningful experiences far beyond its formal proposal, and very often associated with the experience of equality. The attitude of teachers and course staff was reported as crucial to promote transformations in the relationship these students had with formal study, written culture, the world and other people. An intersubjective and favorable field, a community of destiny, moves desire and student work, as well as it supports success. When sheltered by institutions (such as the PPC or a high quality public school), these field and community seem especially valued by working class students, distinguished by forms of social loneliness. The experience of community was the basis for a relationship with knowledge that is not oriented by humiliation or instrumental necessity, but rather as a possibility to fulfill the world and overcome these experiences of humiliation.


popular preparatory courses for university entrance autobiografia humiliation autobiography mudança social cursos-pré-vestibular humilhação social change

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