Crise dos Bancos Estaduais: o Caso do Banespa / The State Banks Crisis: The Banespa Case




The study intends to clarify the state banks problem, focusing on Banespa, the largest state bank and the third biggest commercial bank in the country. More precisely, the project will deal with the legal, financial and institutional relationships between the state of São Paulo government, Banespa and the Central Bank, trying to identify the factors that, for one side, allow the political utilization of such banks as parafiscal financing sources by the state governments and that, on the other hand, are responsible for the current financial crisis the bank is going through. To accomplish that, the project focuses on: (i) patrimonial evolution; (ii) financial practices causing patrimonial deterioration; (iii) legal relationships between state goverments and state banks and (iv) relationships between the Central Bank and the state banks.


bancos públicos banespa finanças estaduais

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