Criopreservação de sêmen canino com um diluidor à base de água de coco na forma de pó (ACP-106): Efeito da temperatura de adição do glicerol e da adição de antibiótico. / Cryopreservation of canine semen with a diluent based on coconut water as a powder (ACP-106 ): Temperature effect of adding glycerol and the addition of antibiotic.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Researches have been developed aiming to improve the already existing protocols for canine semen freezing. In this way, this work was divided in two experiments, aiming: 1) to compare the effect of glycerol addition at two temperatures (27 and 4C) on canine semen extended and frozen with powdered coconut water extender (ACP-106); 2) to analyze the effect of benzylpenicillin benzatin addition in different concentrations on semen quality, and on control of bacterial growth on canine semen cryopreserved in ACP-106. Canine ejaculates were collected by digital manipulation, which were divided and destined to different treatments. For the first experiment, two groups were formed, which one was G27 (that received glycerol at 27C) and the G4 (that received glycerol an 4C). For the second, four groups were formed: G0 (without antibiotic); G500 (extended with 500UI/mL); G1.000 (extended with 1.000UI/mL); and G1.500 (extended with 1.500UI/mL). Each experiment was submitted to one cryopreservation process, which, in generally, the semen was extended, cooled, extended with glycerol (for all groups of the second experiment and G4 of the first one), packed, frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. After about one week, samples were thawed and submitted to spermatic and microbiology evaluations (experiment 2). Fresh ejaculates were in conformer to the pattern of canine specie, being possible to be employed for the experiments. In experiment 1, after thawing, no differences were observed between temperatures of glycerol addiction on regarding seminal motility analyzed by CASA, morphology, acrossomal integrity, hypo-osmotic swelling and alive spermatozoa. In experiment 2, no differences were observed between groups after thawing regarding the percentage of alive spermatozoa and morphological normal spermatozoa, and with functional membrane, excepted in G1.500 that presented increase on damaged acrossoma number on 60 minutes. In computerized analyzes, it was also not evidenced differences between groups for all seminal parameters. The same was observed rega rding the number of UFC/μL after thawing. In conclusion, the glycerol temperature addition does not influence the quality of post-thawed canine semen diluted in ACP-106 and that benzylpenicillin benzatin when added to ACP-106 do not control bacterial growth and does not influence spermatic quality after canine semen cryopreservation. In general, it was observed that canine semen processed with ACP-106 extender become more practical, being possible to perform only one dilution at room temperature. Further more, it is still necessary to conduct new studies to verify the action of others antibiotics and theirs interactions for controlling bacterial growth, and their effects on canine spermatozoa cryopreserved in ACP-106.


sêmen cão acp-106 glicerol antibiótico reproducao animal semen dog acp-106 glycerol antibiotic

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