Criatividade escolar : relação entre tempo de experiência docendte e tipo de escola




Creativity is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been greatly present in research in the past 30 years. The fact that it is construed and can only be understood in the interaction of social, cultural, and individual aspects must be highlighted. Consequently, several authors began giving greater importance in their research to the conditions that favor the development of creativity in the educational environment. School arises as a fundamental place of stimulus and development of creative skills since individuals spend a large part of their lives in this environment, be they students or teachers. The current study investigated creativity and personal barriers for its expression amongst 4th elementary grade public and private school teachers of various degrees of teaching experience. The perception of the classroom environment for creativity amongst the students of these teachers was also examined. Fifty two teachers and 967 students participated in this research. Four subtests from the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, the Inventory to Identify Barriers to Personal Creativity, and the Classroom Environment Scale for Creativity were used. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for data analysis. The results indicated significant differences between the teachers with less and greater teaching experience merely in the flexibility category of the subtest Parallel Lines. On the other hand, when considering the type of school, significant differences were identified in almost all subtests with regards to the fluency and originality category of the same subtest in favor of private school teachers. These teachers also had a higher performance level in figurative and general creativity. Significant interactions between teaching experience and type of school were found only in the originality category of the subtest Picture Completion. With regards to the barriers on personal creativity, no significant difference between the groups of teachers was identified. However, the factor Lack of Time/Opportunity was understood as the most mentioned barrier amongst all teachers. As to the classroom environment for creativity, the students of the most experienced teachers considered that they receive greater support from the teacher to express ideas and that the classroom environment stimulates interest in learning. In this respect, private school students consider themselves to be more creative and understand their classroom environment to be more favorable to their autonomy when compared to public school students.


anos de experiência docente psicologia professores barreiras à criatividade criatividade tipo de escola

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