Crianças, televisão e animes : intertextos




The present thesis aims at.understanding the relationships among ehildren, television, and two animes (pokémon and Dragonball Z) in their intertextuality, based on the theoretical grounds of L.S, Vygotsky, M, Bakhtin and the contributions of D. Maingueneau, E. Orlandi and Fiske. Eight boys (at ages between 11 and 12 years old), who have been living under distinetively different material eonditions in their daiJy life (ineluding their "television experience"), participated in this study. The empirie material was composedof:the analyses of the children s enunciations, produced as they watched and commented on two episodes, the animes - as diseourse geme - and television. The analyses show that intertextual relationships are eonstituted by complex and uninterrupted tensions. lt may be stressed, among several others, the existing tension between the tendeney towards the monophonization of the texts of the animes in relation to its main motif -the fights - and the joining and resistanee movements of the boys (considering the production of paraphrases, of other meanings - based on the polysemy of wordslimages -, polyphonie enunciations and displacement ofthe centrality ofthis motif). Once similarities and differences were found in their intertextual relationships (those being characterized as social, cultural and historica1 processes), questions related to their life conditions were raised. At last, by supporting on the theoretieal presuppositions and on the analyses that were constructed, it was possible to dialogue with works that deal with television, their productions and/or ehildren s relationships with these terms and the (non)commitment on the part of schools and educational institutions regarding these themes


televisão animated cartoons crianças - desenvolvimento desenho animado children televison crianças child development

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