Crescimento econômico, diferenciais regionais de renda emigração : teoria e evidências empíricas




The neoclassic growth models present results such as income convergence between regions. Nevertheless, Brazil has a historical geographic concentration of income and production. Recently, economic theory has incorporated this possibility, whose arguments are based on comparative advantages, increasing returns, agglomeration economies, and Marshallian externalities. The main question is: Brazilian regional policy must emphasize the reduction of income disparities among regions? The answer to this question is presented in this paper, based on the Matsuyama e Takahashi (1998) model. The results show that, in the period which Brazil accelerated its industrialization process (i.e., 1950s), there was a natural trend for regional concentration of production and population and that that concentration could give a higher welfare level for the population. Therefore, regional policy should induce concentration, contrary to the GTDN report. Nonetheless, the 1980s showed that population could get a higher welfare level if the former were distributed more equally among regions. Even though a better population distribution is desirable, from a situation of concentration, the public sector should perform effectively in order to promote deconcentration.


geografia humana economia regional renda - distribuição economia crescimento economico disparidades econômicas regionais convergência de renda migração desenvolvimento econômico

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