Crescimento e idade de cinco espécies arbóreas do Morro Santa Cruz, Corumbá-MS




Ring analysis was carried on five tree species in a semi-deciduous forest of the Morraria Santa Cruz, Corumba-MS. The following questions had been proposals: (1) Is it possible to know the age of Nectandra cissiflora, Pouteria torta, Coussarea hydrangeaefolia, Guarea guidonea and Luehea grandiflora through the counting of growth rings? (2) Which is the growth rhythm of species? (3) Which is the age of species? (4) Do the age structure of the species present "j reversed" shape? The growth rhythm was investigated by the method of windows of Mariaux, which is made a wound in the vascular cambium of the tree. After eighteen months, had been gotten cross sections and corer (Increment Borer). The samples were polishing and the wood anatomy of species was classified in accordance with four basic types created by Coster (1927, 1928). After the counting of growth rings, was created growth models based in age and diameter. Moreover, individuals of the five species were counted and measured (DBH and height) for investigation of age structure. The results show that only Luehea grandiflora has not very distinct growth rings. All species have annual growth rhythm because the environment has a dry season capable to induce the production of one growth layer annually. The counted ages are positively correlated with growth. Canopy species grew faster due the greater light exposition in upper layers of the forest. The maximum age of trees did not arrive 250 years because the forest possess flat ground, declivity accented and strong action of the wind, that makes it difficult the establishment of bigger and older individuals. Coussarea hydrangeaefolia and Nectandra cissiflora had structure in "inverted J" shape, showing that the forest passes for continuous renewal periods, with few individuals with advanced ages.


dendrochronology semi-deciduos forest dendrocronologia ecologia floresta semidecidual

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