Crescimento e distribuição de renda: ensaios sobre macrodinâmica




This study attempts to develop macro-dynamic growth essays, focusing on income distribution and the question of how expectations vis a vis history is equilibrium determinants. Chapter 1 reveals how behavior asymmetry between workers and capitalists relative to the possibility to leave bequest impacts on their decisions in terms of consumption, savings and capital stock. Within the post Keynesian approach, the underlying research has obtained important results, such as the way the possibility to leave bequest on the workers end alters their consumption pattern and their capital stock. Chapter 2 assesses the capital share path in a variety model. The theoretical framework used is the Ciccone and Matsuyama model Start-up cost and pecuniary externalities as barriers to economic development. When assessing the dynamics of the capital income share within total income of agents in the economy, it can be seen that even when the number n of varieties increases, the capital share in total income in the economy does not always increase, that is, there is a specific number of varieties (intermediate inputs) that corresponds to capital shares upper boundo. If the number of intermediate inputs is larger than this specific number of varieties, the division of income participation will be kept steady. In other words, the economic growth process, which raises income participation on the workers end in a sector of finished goods. Chapter 4 estudies the relation between history and expectations in the generation of multiple equilibria with migration between 2 sectors. The research questions Benabous and Fukaos criticism of Krugmans paper History versus Expectations and analyses the impact on the models dynamics of the case where other functional forms for labor productivity are used.


expectativa economia distribuição de randa classes herança

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