Crescimento de Carpa Capim Ctenopharyngodon idella alimentada com diferentes gramíneas




The grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella is one of the species of great importance in the world-wide aquaculture. As herbivore it can be produced by low cost, as soon as it is fed with aquatic vegetation, with grasses or other vegetables. The objective of this work was to analyze the possible use of natives grasses from south of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil as food of the grass carp. The experiment was accomplished feeding grass carp fingerlings with initial weight of 2.69 0.47 g, with 4 grasses type: Pennissetum purpureum, Cynodon dactylum, Paspalum urvillei and Spartina alterniflora. They were used 12 boxes of polyethylene with useful volume of 200 liters, with constant water flow (600 % by day). Ten fingerlings were placed in each box, which were fed daily with the respective grass, being added, each two days, commercial ration (1 % of the biomass). The experiment had duration of 45 days, happening biometry fortnightly. The results of Weight Gain (WG) and Specific Growth Rate (SGR) showed that the carps fed with C. dactylum and P. urvillei had a bigger WG (respectively 1.45 and 1.32g) and a better SGR (respectively 0,95 and 0,88%), when compared with carps fed with P. purpureum and S. alterniflora. Cynodon dactylum and P. urvillei are, so, grass indicated as food of the grass carp.


gramíneas grasses feeding aquicultura carpa capim grass carp alimentação

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