Crenças de professores de inglês de ensino fundamental e médio e os parâmetros curriculares nacionais: uma relação conflitante / Beliefs of Teachers of English primary and secondary schools and the national curriculum framework: a conflicting relationship


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The intention of this research was to investigate whether elementary and high school EFL teachers beliefs and the proposals of the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) interact in the discourse and practice of the investigated teachers. Therein, it tries to verify what beliefs concerning these Parameters, the skills and/or competences to be developed in the pupils and the place of the foreign language in the school curriculum English teachers transfer to their discourse and practice. It is also checked if the PCN influence these teachers discourse and practice. It is a descriptive and qualitative study, carried out with English teachers from different kinds of school (ten teachers from public schools and ten others from the private sector), situated in some quarters that integrate Regional Executive Secretariats I and III according to the administrative division of the city of Fortaleza. Data were collected via semi-structured interviews, closed questionnaires and lesson observation. The collected data were analyzed in accordance with Woodss (1996) concept of beliefs. Results show that some interaction exists between the teachers beliefs and the proposals of the National Curriculum Parameters, but not necessarily between these proposals and the teaching activity, if the conflicting relation between belief, action and context is considered in the light of Richardson (1996). Taking into account the majority of the teachers statements that they know the ideas contained in the National Curriculum Parameters and that they agree with them, it can be inferred that there is some type of influence of these ideas on the investigated teachers beliefs. However, the fact that most of the investigated teachers say that they do not put these Parameters into practice, the reasons they allege for that and the observation of some of the teachers lessons led us to the conclusion that the document does not influence the teachers practice.


linguistica aplicada crenças pcn ensino-aprendizagem de le beliefs national curriculum parameters foreign language teaching and learning

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