Creativitys investigation on the scenic plays. / A investigação da criatividade nos jogos cênicos.




The scenic plays in this research purposed to wake and to investigate the creative process and the creative scenic expressions and no creative . The vocable creativity derives of Latin creare that means to make new something, and of Greek krainem to realize. To create of the theatre can signify to invent, to express new and different corporal and verbal repertory on the subjects history. This research studied the creativitys phenomenon above viewpoint of subject, its process according to the qualitative research and the Historic-Cultural of Subjectivitys Theory. The creativity is viewed that a complex phenomenon involved one connection of complex psychological functions, can or cannot develop during subjects history of life. There were 9 subjects studied, from ages 21 to 45 years old. They did not have theatrical experience. There were 5 masculine and 4 feminine. The subjects arrived timid without corporal and verbal scenic repertory. Inside of the conversation dynamics showed, difficult of subjects how to create alone and with a group. During application, scenic plays the subjects development repertory of corporal and verbal expression. Inside conversation, dynamics begun to share blockades and fears connected of creation. News subjective senses were constituted and news configuration senses were connected to create to iniciate modification. The conclusion was that this group could create after occurred the emergency of critic subject that reflects about his values and his subjective senses and he intensifies his self-knowledge. So the scenic expressions showed different matrices with new corporal expressions and new verbal expressions. Finally, there was consideration that this theatre and its plays stimulated and developed new creative configurations and creative scenic expressions peculiar to each subject. I understood that this theatre and his plays stimulated and developed configuration creative news and creative scenic expressions singulars in the subjects. Consequently this theatre is understood in Theatre of Creativity: viewpoint of how play stimulates and transports the sleeping actor to create and how a protagonist plays in the scene of your life.


subjectivity subjetividade subject creativity psicologia jogos cênicos sujeito criatividade scenic plays

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