Cover crops and their effects on soil and crop in green maize / Plantas de cobertura e seus efeitos no solo e na cultura do milho verde




The objective was to estimate the productivity of fresh and dry biomass of cover crops, in two spaces, and the extraction of macro and micronutrients and the potential of these plant species to protect the soil against erosion and provide nutrients to the crop in succession. The study was conducted in two phases, in the Department of Agriculture at University of Lavras. The first phase consisted of the planting of cover crops, using the experimental design of randomized blocks in factorial scheme (4 x 2), with 3 replications. The first factor consists of Canavalia ensiformes, Stizolobium deeringianum, Stizolobium aterrimum and Sorghum bicolor, and the second by spacings of 25 and 50 cm. Canavalia ensiformes was the species that had higher soil cover in less time with spacing of 25 cm and the legumes provided greater productivity of biomass and accumulation of nutrients in the spacing of 50 cm. The second phase was implemented under the straw of the culture remaining from the previous first stage, with the inclusion of the factorial with additional treatment, which was the plot with spontaneous vegetation. After the management of leguminous and grass was sowed the maize for production of green maize. The straw of leguminous promoted greater productivity of green maize compared with the straw of sorghum.


sucessÃo succession fitotecnia biomass fitomassa Ãndice de cobertura rate of coverage

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