Cosmologia e praticas rituais Kaingang




This thesis aims at understanding Kaingang cosmology by studing three rituais: the Kuiâ (shaman) Celebration, the Kikikoi Festival, and the Widowed Person s Purification Ritual. These three rituais symbolize different times which I called the three times o, the world, taking in to account the fact that the Kaingang cosmology rests on cycles of earth conflagration and regeneration. These rituais, even though borrowing some Christian symbols, are profoundly supported on their own conception of the world. They are justified by myths that, at the same time, are updated during the ritual celebration. Such rituais are related to the agriculture s celebration, the return of the dead for a reunion festivity with the living, and the later return to their original places. The study of the three mentioned rituais allows us to realize that the cosmological references of the Kaingang are founded on multireferencial symbols which re-cover themselves. The variations found can be accounted for either as the same ritual cycle that has been splitted up, or as the development of different traditions which, on the other hand express the same symbology: life on earth depends upon the destiny of the dead because society of the living is eternally recreated by the dead ancestors ("our trunk", "our ancienr). The Kaingang cosmology is also anchored on the possibility of the contact between distinct species of spirits which inhabit the cosmos. These contacts are made by means of the human communication capacity with those spirits and by the possible metamorphosis between different conditions of being


indios da america do sul - religião e mitologia onomastica cosmologia indios kaingang

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