CORRELATION STUDY AMONG THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY STANDARDS AND MARKETS STANDARDS ON MANAGEMENT SYSTEM APPLICABLE TO A UF6 CONVERSION PLANT OPERATION / Estudo da correlação entre normas da Agencia Internacional de Energia Atômica e de mercado sobre sistema de gestão aplicável à operação de planta de conversão de UF6




The Agency - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), following the market trend of the management system integration, has decided to revise the quality assurance standards - IAEA 50-C/SG-Q publishing, in 2006, the standard on Management System (MS) IAEA GS-R-3 and its IAEA GS-G-3.1 guide. Also, the IAEA is about to publish a supplementary guide - IAEA DS349, which consider the integration of several functions involved in management of nuclear facilities, such as: safety, health, environmental and quality, ensuring that nuclear safety is not compromised. Conversion plants of Yellowcake in UF6 use and process radioactive materials, as well as other substances normally found in the chemical conventional industry, inserting themselves in the organization profile that require a high pattern of definition, implementation and continuous improvement of their MS and, therefore, should consider an approach of management integrated system (MIS). Taking a UF6 conversion plant as focus, the correlation was performed among the Agency MS standards and those of the market - ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, as well as with the Agency drafts standards on safety (DS316 and DS344), concluding that, in structuring an MIS, in compliance with the Agency MS standards, except for some adjustments, the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 are going to be met. On the other hand, the structuring of MIS should identify other requirements on safety, health and environmental, which also consider the conventional chemical and industrial characteristics that are out of the scope (ionizing radiation) of the safety standards of the Agency. The research proposes a documental procedure for a MIS applicable to this plant, providing elements for rationalization and contents of the identified documentation, for the promotion of the integration of the considered MS functions.


segurança sistema integrado de gestão gestão da qualidade plantas de conversão de uf6 gestão ambiental sistema integrado de gestão gestão ambiental segurança plantas de conversão de uf6 gestão de qualidade

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