CorrelaÃÃo entre a forÃa de preensÃo palmar e a forÃa da musculatura respiratÃria em indivÃduos obesos e nÃo obesos




Obesity is a global epidemic that is associated with high levels of morbidity and mortality. It comes to our attention the changes that occur in the pulmonary function due to the excess of body fat. The purpose of this study was to correlate the hand grip strength (HGS) and the strength of the respiratory muscles in obese and non-obese volunteers from both genders. The study group was formed by 100 sedentary volunteers, divided into groups of 50 obese volunteers and 50 non-obese volunteers, 25 male and 25 female in each group. To measure the HGS a hand dynamometer was used. The strength of the respiratory muscles was obtained by measuring the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP) through the manovacumeter. This is a cross sectional study. The data went through the software SASÂ v. 8.2. The level of significance used was 5% (p<0,05). The variables gender and obesity showed significant results and explained the HGS, MIP and MEP. For the correlations of the HGS with the ratio waist/hip, MIP and MEP, in both hands, the results were significant. HGS, MIP and MEP showed greater mean values in obese individuals of both genders. The male had significantly higher mean values of HGS, MIP and MEP in both groups. Therefore, the variable gender was a predictor of the MIP/MEP and HGS. The mean of the HGS for the right hand was greater than the mean of the left hand in all groups analyzed.


obesidade;testes de funÃÃo respiratÃria; forÃa da mÃo educacao fisica mep pimax obesity pemax mip forÃa de preensÃo palmar hand grip strength

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