"Corpos em movimento: conceitos e perspectivas na virada do século XXI" / BODIES IN MOTION: CONCEPTS AND PERSPECTIVES IN THE 21ST CENTURY




This study is a result of reflections on and analysis of the concept of the body through historically significant events of the 20th century in Western society, but with special attention to Brazilian society. Historically, the word “body” and its meanings have been socially constructed to carry a variety of signs and symbols. The development of diverse fields in technology and science (e.g. computer science and biotechnology) led to changed views among scholars about the body as a human phenomenon. Formerly, some aspects had influenced the three most intriguing concepts of body: the Body-Taboo, the Body-Instrument and the Body-Identity. New understandings of “bodies” helped to challenge older taboos however, capitalist values brought consumption of specific aesthetic patterns that reflect the “body as an object and image detached from human beings.” The insecurity generated by changes to the identity “body/human being” brings moments of inertia and yet also provokes an indefatigable search for missing humanitarian values.


conceitos corporais corpo história 21st century body body concepts history século xxi

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