Corpos e cidades : lugares da educação




In this research, I call attention to the importance of Physical Education as a building up process of the 1930s and 1940s health and beauty biotype, bonding the physical activity to the ideals of order and progress. The images are inherent to the occurred discussions, bringing out the gymnastics as the one which has visible traces of the encountered space: the city. Such real examples tease the way we look the different cultural areas of that time, as well as the memory of the own reader s history. How many ofus have already wom uniforms? How many ofus have taken part of civic parades? Eventually, ali of us .were at school and got involved with its environment, in its physical and civic events. To sum up, gymnastics is, without a doubt, responsible for bringing up disciplined individuals in their attitudes and willingness. Through bibliographical and documental research, I discuss the body exhibition to the society, considering the place where there are time records of a promising future to the nation, associating this fact to social and moral values related to the mentioned period


educação higiene eugenia capitais (cidades)

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