Controle social e desenho institucional em Assistência Social no Município de Alagoinhas - Bahia: a fragmentação em questão


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed to evaluate the effects of fragmentation of public policies and the process of construction and implementation of social control through Management Councils and Rights in Social Work, focusing on space-time the municipality in Alagoinhas, Bahia, between the years 2001 to 2008. They appear, at first, the theoretical frameworks, which fall primarily on the conceptual formulations of democracy, citizenship and social education, contextualizing, under the analysis of these views, the steps of Brazilian society and the locus of this study, through which the popular movements won important positions in the acquisition of social rights and more effective participation in public management. Cut out and exemplified by the case of the municipality of Alagoinhas, Bahia, the achievements of citizen participation in the field of public policy in struggles for social assistance and its corresponding instances of social control - Management Councils and Rights - contextualizing the fragmentary nature of both the provision of this public policy of the Councils as previously characterized and linked them, analyzing their consequences and the opposite movement: the practice of mainstreaming and intersectionality in the discussion, implementation and improvement of social policies and infrastructure, cases of Health and Environmental Sanitation. There are disagreements and structural elements that can confirm the hypothesis that the fragmentation of social control in Social Work in the municipality of Alagoinhas - as the sampling universe - and, indeed, throughout the country, does not favor the consolidation of an effective participation popular in the construction of a principle of active citizenship and concentrate, difficulty fostering citizen action on the very system of social control, contrary to the desire of aggregation majority community, solidarity and feeling of belonging. The fragmentation of public policies in Social Work also offers an overload of certain subjects participating in various fronts of social control, while to deprive of the characteristics the familiarity and hindering the chances of a more democratic and assertive participation.


conselhos gestores e de direitos politicas publicas assistência social controle social fragmentação managers and boards of rights welfare social control fragmentation

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