Controle percebido, senso de auto-eficacia e satisfação com a vida : um estudo comparativo entre homens e mulheres pertencentes a tres grupos de idade




Perceived control and self-efficacy are assumed as self-regulatory mechanisms and as moderator variables to psychossocial adapatation along the life-span. This study was aimed at investigate similarities and differences concerning these processes and their interactions with subjective well-being of young, middle-aged and aged subjects ITom both genders. Subjects were 300 individuals aged 20-29, 40-49 and 60-69; half of them were male. Instruments included a questionnaire on sociodemographic data, a multidimentional scale of perceived control and self-efficacy, a single point measure of life satisfaction and a scale of domain referenced satisfaction. Data analysis indicated that all the sample held strong belief on its own ability to control health ad social relationships. Lowest scores occurred among the aged in the domains social relationships, family relations, finances and productivity. Those that held low beliefs on effort showed the strongest beliefs on chance and on powerful others as sources of control. Lowest scores on self-efficacy occurred among the oldest. Old adults scored lower than middle aged and adults did on expectancies related to the future, past life in comparison with present life, health, physic ability, mental ability, and social involvement. Factorial analysis applied to the scale of control and selfefficacy showed a neat split between items related to beliefs on chance and powerful others, and to effort and ability


controle (psicologia) personalidade idosos

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